Function RFC_READ_TABLE() Dim R3, MyFunc, App As Object ' Define the objects to hold IMPORT parameters Dim QUERY_TABLE As Object Dim DELIMITER As Object Dim NO_DATA As Object Dim ROWSKIPS As Object Dim ROWCOUNT As Object ' Define the objects to hold the EXPORT parameters ' None for RFC_TABLE_READ ' Define the objects to hold the TABLES parameters ' Where clause Dim OPTIONS As Object ' Fill with fields to return. After function call will hold ' detailed information about the columns of data (start position ' of each field, length, etc. Dim FIELDS As Object ' Holds the data returned by the function Dim DATA As Object ' Use to write out results Dim ROW As Object Dim Result As Boolean Dim iRow, iColumn, iStart, iStartRow, iField, iLength As Integer '********************************************** 'Create Server object and Setup the connection '********************************************** Set R3 = CreateObject("SAP.Functions") R3.Connection.System = "denmark" R3.Connection.client = "100" R3.Connection.User = "SAP*" R3.Connection.Password = "" R3.Connection.language = "EN" If R3.Connection.logon(0, True) <> True Then Exit Function End If '***************************************************** 'Call RFC function RFC_READ_TABLE '***************************************************** Set MyFunc = R3.Add("RFC_READ_TABLE") ' Set the Objects to the parameter they will return Set QUERY_TABLE = MyFunc.exports("QUERY_TABLE") Set DELIMITER = MyFunc.exports("DELIMITER") Set NO_DATA = MyFunc.exports("NO_DATA") Set ROWSKIPS = MyFunc.exports("ROWSKIPS") Set ROWCOUNT = MyFunc.exports("ROWCOUNT") Set OPTIONS = MyFunc.Tables("OPTIONS") Set FIELDS = MyFunc.Tables("FIELDS") QUERY_TABLE.Value = Forms![frmInput]![txtQueryTable] DELIMITER.Value = Forms![frmInput]![txtDelimiter] NO_DATA = Forms![frmInput]![txtNoData] ROWSKIPS = Forms![frmInput]![txtRowsSkip] If Forms![frmInput]![txtRowCount] <> "" Then ROWCOUNT = Forms![frmInput]![txtRowCount] End If If Forms![frmInput]![txtOptions] <> "" Then OPTIONS.Rows.Add OPTIONS.Value(1, "TEXT") = Forms![frmInput]![txtOptions] End If If Forms![frmInput]![txtFields] <> "" Then ' Separate the field into individual fields (input is comma separated) Dim vArray As Variant vArray = Split(Forms![frmInput]![txtFields], ",") Dim vField As Variant Dim j As Integer For Each vField In vArray If vField <> "" Then j = j + 1 FIELDS.Rows.Add FIELDS.Value(j, "FIELDNAME") = vField End If Next End If Result = MyFunc.CALL If Result = True Then Set DATA = MyFunc.Tables("DATA") Set FIELDS = MyFunc.Tables("FIELDS") Set OPTIONS = MyFunc.Tables("OPTIONS") Else MsgBox MyFunc.EXCEPTION R3.Connection.LOGOFF Exit Function End If '******************************************* 'Quit the SAP Application '******************************************* R3.Connection.LOGOFF If Result <> True Then MsgBox (MyFunc.EXCEPTION) Exit Function End If 'Open the table in the Database '************************************** Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Dim SQL As String Set db = CurrentDb 'OpenDatabase("C:\yourdb.mdb") Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("TABLE1") 'Display Contents of the table '************************************** iField = 1 ' For each row of data returned in table DATA For iRow = 1 To DATA.ROWCOUNT ' Add a new row to the DB rs.AddNew ' For each field that is returned in table FIELDS For iField = 1 To FIELDS.ROWCOUNT ' Determine where in the string the first field is iStart = FIELDS(iField, "OFFSET") + 1 iLength = FIELDS(iField, "LENGTH") ' Set the variable vField to be the contents of the current field ' If the fields at the end of the record are blank, then explicitly set the value If iStart > Len(DATA(iRow, "WA")) Then vField = Null Else vField = Mid(DATA(iRow, "WA"), iStart, iLength) End If ' Depending on the current field, put it in the appropriate Access ' DB field Select Case iField Case 1 rs("Field1") = vField Case 2 rs("Field2") = vField Case 3 rs("Field3") = vField Case 4 rs("Field4") = vField End Select Next rs.Update Next Set db = Nothing Set rs = Nothing End Function Function Split(ByVal inp As String, Optional delim As String = ",") As Variant ' Chris Rae's VBA Code Archive - ' Code written by Chris Rae, 25/5/00 Dim outarray() As Variant Dim arrsize As Integer While InStr(inp, delim) > 0 ReDim Preserve outarray(0 To arrsize) As Variant outarray(arrsize) = Left(inp, InStr(inp, delim) - 1) inp = Mid(inp, InStr(inp, delim) + 1) arrsize = arrsize + 1 Wend ' We still have one element left ReDim Preserve outarray(0 To arrsize) As Variant outarray(arrsize) = inp Split = outarray End Function